You just moved in and have a large cozy family room, but space is going to be a bit tight. Don’t worry, a floor lamp will do just fine! There are many floor lamp options available, from traditional to ultra modern. The trick is to get the most out of your floor lamps.

In another era you would be considered a non-conformist. You hate the traditional and demand the unusual and modern from your floor lamp lighting. You really are a contemporary floor lamp person, are you ready for some floor lamp ideas?

1. Three light goosenecks with blue glass shades and blue upward lights.

2. Tri-light gooseneck in a funky green, yellow or red.

3. Multi-colored glass cube floor lamp with cube-shaped shades.

4. Japanese Kabuki Floor Lamp

5. Glendale Lifestyle Paper Shade Floor Lamp

6. George Kovac Bronze Mini Tower Floor Lamp

Just as your home décor should reflect your personality, so should your lighting, and these 6 options will do just that. If you like to stand out from the crowd, these will take you a step above the rest. Are you ready to take a walk on the wild side?

The 1980s with Huey Lewis and the News and “It’s hip to be square” really wasn’t that long ago. Okay, maybe the song has gone by the wayside, but the style certainly hasn’t. Square floor lamps are really modern and a great addition to the room!

Combining round with square looks great. Add a Mission-style floor lamp next to your cozy round chair, or how about a square base with funky round shades using halogen lamps near a window? Combine square and round in the room or on the lamp. Let your creativity flow because the end result will be a very modern room!

Your house is like the Jetsons with all the high-tech gadgets known to mankind, but deep down you’re a traditional girl. Her rooms are filled with modern furniture and lots of metal, but something seems to be missing. Maybe there is too much Silicon Valley and not enough of that traditional girl being shown?

High Tech Silicon Valley may be very trendy, but it needs a touch of beauty and what better way to achieve that than with a modern floor lamp like a Tiffany lamp. When you are tired of all the high-tech gadgets, turn them off and enjoy the beauty of your lamp.

You dream of the Greek goddess that you were in your past life, you imagine yourself drinking delicious wine and robes. Okay, let’s get back to real time, but wait, modern life can encompass a little touch of ancient Greece with a torchiere lamp.

Of course, your torchiere lamp can also be contemporary, it can look like something out of science fiction from the future, or it can be traditional like in a Tiffany style. They can be a stylish addition to any room. They come in a wide variety of shapes, styles, and colors, and choosing one of these tall, graceful creatures is simply a matter of choosing a color that complements your room. Keep the flame alive for years to come.

Now all that’s left to overcome is your fear that you have a bad case of bad taste. There are just a few little tips and you will choose your floor lamp like a pro.

1. When it comes to mixing your side tables with your floor lamps, try combining glass and bronze or brass for a contemporary look or bamboo and brass for a rustic look.

2. Use halogen lights on metal fixtures for a very contemporary look. Add some great contrast by adding a pair of antique silver table lamps.

3. For useful lighting, choose a recessed light and place it at the end of the car. Choose one with at least 3 lamps and 5 is perfect.

4. If you don’t want to look like you just walked out of the cloning room in Starship Enterprise, instead of matching all your table and floor lamps, choose lamps that are different but complement each other.

5. For those dark corners that make you want to scream add a tourchiere.

6. The lighting in your room should be layered. It should be a combination of floor lamps, table lamps, wall sconces, recessed lighting, and any other type of lighting depending on the room.

7. Your floor lamps are no longer just for reading. They brighten up dark spaces and play an integral role in decorating your rooms.

8. For a better quality of light, choose lamps that have glass or fabric shades.

9. For reading, your floor lamp should be about 60 inches, while your chair will be about 42 inches. This will allow the light to surround you pleasantly.

10. Floor lamp combos offer a great multi-light combination often including a gooseneck or recessed table night light. They look especially good in a country decor.

Floor lamps are a valuable addition to the decoration of any room. Make sure you make the most of it. Whether you are a non-conformist or a romantic at heart, there is a lamp to reflect your true personality and set the mood for your room.

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