With the arrival of World of Warcraft’s newest expansion, Wrath of the Lich King (WotLK), a lot will change. Talent trees, playstyles, class balance, stat focus, party compositions, and raid dynamics are all in line with new improvements introduced by the game. Among the most notable changes are tweaks that pertain to techniques on how to make fast WoW gold on the previously unexplored continent of Northrend.

So how can a toon make quick gold in WoW in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion?

First of all, based on the advance copies of the updated gold farming guides available on Gold Farming Guides, the existing Burning Crusade journals will still be in the game. This means that the player can still visit the Isle of Quel’Thanas, Skettis, and Blade’s Edge Mountain to get their 25 allowed quests per day for about 300 g or so every 24 hours. When tired of leveling up, players can revisit the Outlands for these journals to continue earning reputation and gold to help them on their continued adventure in Northrend.

Secondly, according to the same gold farming guides that have extensively studied the beta version of the expansion, the ability to make fast WoW gold in WotLK can be expected. There’s a beta tester, for example, who started with 50g in the expansion and ended up with 2000g at level 73 without doing anything special other than finding and selling their loot.

Now the problem.

The financial demands on Wrath of the Lich King are great.

Very big.

For example, there is an amazing caravan holder that you are sure to love. It is a fast 3 person mount that houses its own vendors. However, only the richest players can purchase this mount, as its retail price is set at 14,000g in the beta.

Equally great ground transportation options, motorcycle racks are created exclusively by engineers. However, since they are tied to the team (BOE), they can be sold to anyone. But for how much? That, my friend, is the question.

Another highly desirable mount is the Dalaran Bear. Think of the now-discontinued Armored Bear mount obtained from a timed event in Zul’Aman, remove the armor, and you’ll get a picture of the bear mount sold in Dalaran. However, players believe that after the beta, said bear mount will sell for 4000 to 7000g.

Also, the need to earn gold fast in WoW in WotLK becomes more apparent when we consider other additions to the MMORPG mechanics. Enchantments can now be purchased from AH through scrolls. Inscriptions, new upgrades created by a new profession, can also be acquired from the AH and can instantly improve the performance of your toons. Gears that will shame level 4 armor and weapons will also flood AH, and will be colored either green or blue. The option to create a Death Knight will add a new alt for your main to support. The option to transfer legacy gear to lower level characters will only promote alt-olohism, and many players will start creating new alts to support.

As one of the popular gold farming guides points out, Wrath of the Lich King will provide new ways to make WoW gold fast, but it will also introduce new desires that will make the player spend their gold just as quickly.

The updated gold farming guides have provided new quick WoW gold harvesting techniques to deal with the increased demand for cash when the passage to Northrend finally opens.

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