It is an accepted practice in some parts of the world and prohibited in other parts. I analyzed that the people who practice it were not born that way, but rather acquired it due to some circumstances that occurred in their lives. Some people say they were born gay, but I never believed that. I realized that some of the strange behaviors that occur in some men’s lives that cause them to behave like women could be the result of some genetic conditions that they can’t help but have been labeled “gay” because they don’t. . behave in the right way in the eyes of society. While some of the women who have a naturally built body like that of men due to the same genetic conditions, they are sometimes labeled by society as “lesbians”. But that’s one aspect of it. The other aspect is when there is a deliberate intention on the part of the individual to enter into an intimate relationship with people of the same sex due to the attraction between them and that is what I am still trying to understand.

Many gays and lesbians give the excuse to get into this because of the anguish they have experienced from the opposite sex. They feel that the opposite sex will not understand them as the same sex will, and since they have the same needs, it will be easy to satisfy each other. But from the statistics, I believe that the world population is enough in both sexes for each individual to make different decisions. So why would people use an experience with one individual to conclude for an entire gender in the world? i asked myself “If almost all the girls or boys become homosexual, who will stay with the heterosexuals?”

I find it very strange when I see two boys or two girls having a misunderstanding about how one cheated on the other with another girl or boy. It’s so much fun for me. God made us male and female from the beginning and said that we must procreate. I don’t know how that will be possible if people marry same-sex. The devil has brought so many ideas and things that upset God’s plan for our lives. Our emotions and mindset is not an excuse for us to do the unthinkable because there is always an alternative to doing the right thing.

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