You probably already know the story of how I became a copywriter, but I bet the part I’m about to reveal today you DON’T. The reason I think you don’t know is because I haven’t told a lot of people. But before I jump into the new stuff, let me review the old stuff briefly, okay? Well here it goes –

In 1999 I took a leap of faith and quit my corporate job as a secretary to stay home and raise my two young children. (One of them had learning disabilities and they both missed me a lot.) So I hung up my tile as a freelance writer in the world of virtual assistance. Leaving a fixed salary was a great financial pressure. She wasn’t really sure how to get clients or build a business at all, just a dedicated mom.

Fortunately, I got an immediate client who introduced me to the world of copywriting. He had a successful network marketing business, but he hated writing. So he told me what he wanted and showed me some templates. The copywriting was unlike anything I’d ever seen before. (Well, I had seen it, but I didn’t realize that people are PAID to do it.)

Because I was so passionate about it, I kept getting better and faster. But soon my client didn’t need to write anymore and I didn’t have anyone else in line. Journal. Then my family started living off credit cards. My husband and I fight like cats and dogs. It sucked.

Thanks for your patience, this is the NEW part

Under the weight of our circumstances, I reluctantly began looking for a new day job. In 2002 I found a listing on CraigsList to write a copy for a limited company. (I didn’t know anything about stocks.) They were looking for someone to write “Gary Halbert style.” “WHO?” I asked. That was the first time I heard Gary’s name.

I didn’t get the job. They claimed to love my samples, but felt like I just didn’t want another “office job.” That was his excuse. I think it could have been my confession about Gary. But his decision saved my life. I couldn’t have gone on to get my feet under me and really grow Red Hot Copy if I had gone down that path.

So thank you, Gary. That was the first life-changing moment that you were responsible for in my life. There would be many others to come.

As soon as I got home from that interview, I looked up “Gary Halbert” and fell completely in love. Each carefully chosen word drew me into its deepest copy. I couldn’t stop reading! His copy was so raw and full of personality. He was like a salty old dog who doesn’t care what you think, as he drives you like a speeding car towards the call to action. So in your face. So irreverent. So testosteronal. And I wanted to write JUST LIKE HIM.

What you are used to reading from me is a departure from his style, but believe me, although I am not Gary Halbert, I learned to write in a similar tone. How can I know? He called me a few years later on the phone and told me. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

When I met Gary at a seminar in 2003, it was like meeting a rock star! I was so in awe of him. He was with his beautiful girlfriend, Sirian, who is truly one of the most genuinely sweet women I have ever met. Gary was different from his cheeky personality. You could tell he had that side, but he had so much vulnerability and honesty with him.

Over the years we have had sporadic contacts. I wouldn’t go so far as to say we were close, but he offered me advice regularly via email and phone. Every now and then I would show him sales copy. He would give me honest feedback. (who was surprisingly gentler than his friend and one of my favorite mentors, John Carlton, you lovingly brutal beast).

The last time I saw Gary in person was in 2005 at his Root canal seminar. It was brilliant, naturally. But something like a lost lamb since his trusted assistant Teresa had retired. The poor thing even got lost on his way to the bathroom, but he had enough sense to ask someone to find him through his microphone, which he had not turned off. There I also met his two sons Kevin and Bond, really cool guys.

At the end of the first night’s event, I invited him to dinner. He refused saying he was tired. Frankly, it looked like it was about to crash and I know how much launching an event can get you out of you. Then about 20 minutes later, he surprised us by joining a few of us at the bar. He said he had changed his mind about being tired. He gave up alcohol a long time ago, but had a couple of sodas and shared our pizza. I wish I could have recorded that night. Some of that I will NEVER share. But he was so open and sincere that I felt like I had known him for years. That is one of the lessons I learned from Gary. Be vulnerable and be yourself. Because there is nothing worse in life than being BORED or inauthentic.

Gary, you were never boring. He has secured his place in history as one of the greatest marketers of ALL TIME. You lived life well. Give them hell, Gary. You were one in a billion.

In conclusion

I would like to quote an excerpt from your online newsletter about your Halbert index: “The Halbert index is a totally unique way of ranking people. To be at the top of the index, you must have the following:

  1. You must have a life and
  2. You must have a sense of humor and
  3. Must have intelligence and be an independent thinker, and
  4. You must be a generous and generous person but … at the same time …
  5. You must refuse to take shit from anyone who doesn’t have a gun to your head, and
  6. You must be willing to take risks and joyfully accept losses, and
  7. You must have the ability and courage for true intimacy with your loved ones, friends … and sometimes … even your associates and strangers, and
  8. You must always be rich in your mind … and therefore … very often … in your pocket, and
  9. You must be honest and have integrity not defined by laws but rather, by the inner core of your being, and finally
  10. He must have a relationship with a higher power (nicknamed “God”) that does not necessarily include and / or often transcends any association with an organized religion. ”

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