A starting point for organizing any room is to identify the function of the space. What kind of activities will happen there? Those activities then guide your decision-making about what to keep in the space.

Bedrooms typically have three main functions:

1. Rest

two. changing clothes

3. Intimacy (for couples)

In my work as a professional organizer, I have had the opportunity to see some bedrooms that include everything but the kitchen sink. How anyone could sleep well in one of those rooms is beyond me!

Feng shui teaches that everything is alive with energy.All!

The energies are positive or negative. And, the energy of things speaks to you. For example, a pair of pants thrown on the floor might say, “Why don’t you hang me up?” or “The wife is not going to be happy that you left me here!” Everything that is outside and visible in a bedroom is speaking to you, all at the same time! So it makes sense that there is an inverse relationship between the amount of stuff in a bedroom and how peaceful the space feels.

Going one step further, there are specific types of items that are particularly noisy and problematic in a bedroom:

1. Everything related to work. has energy that says, “You should be doing this homework!” And you are likely to “work” in your dreams. This includes bills, sewing projects, exercise equipment, house plans, planners, and computers. The bedroom is about lounging, not working. To make your bedroom a refuge where quality rest is possible, eliminate everything that has to do with an activity outside the function of the room (rest, intimacy and change of clothes).

two. energy boosters such as mirrors, fountains and televisions. One mirror or less is recommended in bedrooms. Fountains not only stir up energies in a space, they are known to make people want to urinate. Televisions stimulate both the nervous system and a person’s thoughts. It is recommended that you do not watch television until you turn off the lights. You will be left with an overactive brain, which will not let you rest well.

3. Books–Words in books are elements of fire. The paper of the pages is wood. The wood feeds the fire. So, books are little bonfires! They have a warm and stimulating energy. Add to that the fact that when you’re sleeping, your subconscious can access the contents of books. If your husband likes to read war books, you are sleeping in a space that has the energy of war. Your brain is accessing the horror of the content of those books. And I think the negative energy of war books can create conflict between a man and a woman. I recommend that you keep one to three books or magazines by his bedside. Limiting the amount will limit stimulation. I also recommend choosing books that are easy to read, preferably positive stories with little violence.

Four. Photographs–Images of people in photographs are also elements of fire. To keep your bedroom quiet, limit photos in the bedroom. Photographs add great life-affirming energy to any other part of your home, but in the bedroom they “talk” loudly and can disrupt sleep. Pictures of your children can distract you from the opportunity to be intimate with your spouse. Photos of parents and children can get your subconscious working on ideas for parenting and care.

How quiet is your bedroom?

The condition of your bedroom can have a profound effect on your health. Because you spend more time in that place every day than anywhere else, the noise of negative energies in the bedroom can negatively affect the body and lead to health problems. Take steps to eliminate conversations and sources of stimulation such as energy boosters, books, and photos. Make your bedroom a charming and peaceful place to rest.

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