Defense Attorney Salary by City

Federal criminal defense attorney salaries vary by city, but some areas are better than others. According to ZipRecruiter, the average salary of federal criminal defense attorneys is the highest in Denver, while in New York, Seattle, and Austin, base salaries have decreased. But the salaries are still above average in these cities. Below is a breakdown of federal criminal defense attorney salary by city. For a more detailed analysis, visit

While federal criminal defense attorneys are paid more in larger firms, they can also find a niche by working for a smaller firm. Federal criminal defense is a niche practice, and smaller firms have often made their name by working with high-profile clients, and these firms are often more inclined to pay higher salaries. Ultimately, compensation depends on generating business for the firm and becoming a partner. But no matter the area of law, the salary of a federal criminal defense attorney should be at least similar to that of a state-level lawyer.

Salaries in the federal criminal defense arena are on the rise. Salaries typically increase between eight and nine percent every year. Salaries in the lower 25th percentile are the exception and salaries above 118,000 are considered outliers. The higher end of the salary scale is around $118,000 per year, and the average is approximately $60,000.

federal criminal defense attorney

Federal criminal defense attorneys earn an average of $82,128 per year. Although the range varies widely, the salary ranges between $60,500 and $97,000, with the top earners earning over $118,000 per year. As a rule, salaries are likely to increase with experience. But you may find yourself making more than the average in some locations. It’s important to remember that a salary can fluctuate significantly by location, experience, and specialty.

Federal Criminal Defense Attorney Salary by City

Besides educational level, reputation is one of the biggest leverages that federal defense attorneys can use to negotiate a higher salary. An excellent reputation indicates that a lawyer has an established track record in providing exceptional legal service. As a result, several firms will likely seek the services of a particular lawyer. A good reputation can have an impact on the lawyer’s salary, so a good reputation is important. Getting published articles and media exposure can also help build a good reputation and boost salary.

Experience is another key determinant of federal criminal defense attorney salary. Experience in a particular area of practice is more important than overall experience. A highly experienced state criminal department of defense lawyer can’t jump into federal cases, so he or she won’t earn as much as a more seasoned attorney. The more relevant experience is, the more likely the lawyer will be to be familiar with the laws, strategies, and processes that are relevant to federal cases.

Another factor that determines the salary of a federal criminal defense attorney is the type of case. Some attorneys specialize in a particular type of case, while others choose to defend the interests of citizens who have been accused of a crime. While federal lawyers typically earn more than prosecutors, public defenders typically make less than their counterparts. According to LawyerEDU, the average federal criminal defense attorney salary is around $88,500 per year.

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