It was a marvel, the greatest marvel the world had ever seen! It is the day that Jesus died on the cross and made it possible for sinners like you and me to escape eternal damnation and instead find eternal rest in heaven.

A lot had to happen behind the scenes for this wonder to happen. I would love to see a documentary about all the things that needed to be done for that day. It would probably run for a few hundred episodes.

Many of the gears that had to start rolling are not visible to us humans, but we do know one important player. Verse 5 says exactly who that actor is: 5… He gave us a good bath, and new people came out of it, washed inside and out by the Holy Spirit.

If the Holy Spirit had not been involved, the salvation of humanity would not have been possible. The Holy Spirit is the renewing agent. He is the one who gets rid of the old and installs the new. And as the first part of the verse says, everything was God: 5It was all his doing; We had nothing to do with it…

This reminds me of the old tv series. Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. He was angry about it and he could hardly wait for the show to start each week. So, there I was sitting on the couch, my handkerchief ready next to me, because I knew I was going to cry, tears were running down my chin and beard.

The big surprise with the knock on the door. It’s the Extreme Makeover team. The children jump up and down and mom and dad hug each other. The wrecked house is shown room by room, the occupants’ dreams of home are written down, and the family takes a week-long vacation to paradise.

The old house is literally demolished and removed. Over the next few days and nights, the team does their best to create a new home for the family. Lots of people help. Lots of people donate money. Many give their time. And after a meltdown or two (to shred viewers’ nerves), the house is complete just minutes before the occupants arrive.

When the bus starts, screaming and crying follow. I also. And as the new home is shown room by room, the excitement builds. The eyes shine. A new house with a new beginning. And everyone feels good when the sun goes down.

Such a nice program that gives you hope again!

In a way that is what the Holy Spirit does. The Holy Spirit helps us dismantle the old and broken house of life and build a new one. Something we certainly can’t do on our own. We can not. No, only the Holy Spirit can give us new life. Only then are our thoughts renewed. Only then our works are renewed. Only then does my own self move back and my focus shifts to others.

It is the Holy Spirit who helps us grow in our relationship with God and Jesus. Therefore, we need to surrender to the Holy Spirit. We are safe in his hands.

Holy Scripture
Titus 3:3-7

Do you allow the Holy Spirit to do his renewing work?
What are you still clinging to?
What do you have to do differently?

Dad! What an amazing miracle you have brought into our lives. Thank you for the Holy Spirit who takes the initiative and helps us when we can’t go on. Please help me to give myself more and more and let the Spirit do his work. In the name of Jesus, amen.

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