Food is an integral part of life and has the first priority among the hierarchical needs of the human being. The complicated biological system of the human body is driven by the food you eat and this is because the human body itself is made up of the components of the food you eat. But the mantra for good health is balanced nutrition of protein, carbohydrates, vitamin content in foods, and a realistic calorie count.

Knowing the calorie levels and macronutrient amounts of certain food groups is essential when trying to establish your own calorie-controlled diet. Instead of depriving yourself of high-calorie foods, you can satisfy yourself with low-calorie alternatives like cakes, chocolates, candy, and low-calorie diet sodas. The calorie intake in the different food groups makes a difference in our diet.

  • Vegetables are high in nutrition and low in calories and keep you healthy. Vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes and beets, which are mainly used as salads, can be eaten in abundance as they act as cleansers and appetite suppressants.
  • Fruits are typically very low in calories and often contain a large percentage of water which can help keep you feeling refreshed and ready for exercise. It’s also hard to overeat fruit, as the large amount of water and fiber makes you feel full. But the serving size can vary for each individual depending on calories and nutrition.
  • Walnuts are a good source of protein, fiber, and essential oils; however, to keep the calories in nuts low, only a handful should be eaten less frequently. Walnuts have a very high caloric content. Up to 50% of the weight of nuts is oil, and oil contains more than twice the calories per gram compared to carbohydrates and protein. The nutritious ingredient of nuts can be replaced by other foods.
  • Meat is high in protein and often high in fat, which puts it in the category of high-calorie foods. The leanest portions of meat are low in calories and it is recommended that all meats be cooked by roasting, grilling, boiling to keep the calorie count low.
  • Beverages such as soft drinks have no nutritional value and are a source of empty calories. A 330 ml can of soft drink can provide up to 139 calories. Same with alcohol which contains 7 calories per gram but no nutrition.
  • Ready-to-eat and junk foods are the main source of calories, although with minimal nutritional value.

Calories from food are the source of energy and our body needs 1500 calories a day to keep us in perfect shape. But eating less than 1,000 calories could aggravate the situation. The body that is used to the minimum number of calories goes into a starvation mechanism and begins to convert and store the minimum calorie intake as fat, making weight loss a difficult proposition, even if you are taking slimming pills

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