All family members should be part of an earthquake preparedness disaster plan, no matter where in the world you live. Most people assume that “every earthquake happens somewhere else,” but that’s simply not true.

“Earthquakes are a national hazard,” said “Good Morning America” ​​interviewee David Applegate, a seismologist with the US Geological Survey. The show went on to report that “the fact is that most states are at risk of large earthquakes, with 39 of the 50 states in areas of moderate to high risk for seismic activity.

Some of the most popular places in the United States, besides California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska, sit right in the middle of what we think of as the Midwest, Illinois, Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi, and even Ohio and Virginia. The fact that an earthquake has not occurred in a while in these regions does not make them exempt. Mess is not snobbish. Hit anywhere.

No matter where you live, it’s important for your family to have a disaster plan, whether it’s preparing for earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, or some other natural disaster. Knowing what to do in such a situation can save lives.

Develop a Family Disaster Plan

After the Katrina disaster, it is obvious that the government will not be able to save you. Having that “someone will save me” attitude is akin to saying, “I’m a victim.” Being self-sufficient, prepared, and acting on an emergency preparedness plan isn’t just smart thinking; It’s the kind of thinking that saves lives.

Follow these steps to develop a disaster plan:

• Involve the whole family

• Set up a safe meeting place in case people are not home

• Develop a plan for the care of pets and animals.

• Ensure an adequate supply of food and water

• Put financial documents in a safe place

• Keep emergency prescriptions and extra glasses available.

These are just some of the things a family should plan for. Start today and adopt a family disaster plan, the lives protected can be your family’s.

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