Most people who insist on driving when they have had too much alcohol are sure to get caught eventually. In fact, the net is closing in on those habitual criminals as the public outcry is now large compared to what it was many years ago. However, for those who want to be defended in such cases, finding the services of a DUI attorney is paramount if the driver is to be treated more leniently. A DUI attorney will know exactly how to present extenuating circumstances and get the best deal they can for the defendant for sure.

We’ve probably been there at least once in our lives when tempted to just run to the local store, or something, knowing full well that we’re probably at or near the statutory limit. That emergency rush excludes all kinds of normal thinking from our heads, especially if we have to take a loved one to the hospital, for example. We don’t even think about alcohol levels when times are tough and often this little mistake can end tragically.

For example, there have been cases where, say, a woman is about to give birth and has complications. Her husband, without thinking straight and unable to wait for the paramedics to arrive, puts her in the car and rushes her to the emergency room without a second thought. Unfortunately, he might as well have been quietly having a few beers at home when this happened and he wouldn’t even think about anything other than his wife and his unborn child.

However, these circumstances are rare, so it’s not the usual course of things that gets people into trouble. Normally, people just risk taking the car home when they can’t get a taxi or don’t want to leave the car somewhere overnight. It is this particular circumstance that naturally leads to a drunk driving arrest.

Once caught, the driver still has some rights that he must observe no matter what and it is these that the expert will ensure that the accused person is given. Of course, if they are not confirmed, the case against you could end up being dismissed very quickly.

For example, the driver must have the opportunity to carry out all the tests in the privacy of the police station. There is absolutely no need to do all balance testing on the side of the road that is in public view. This could be very embarrassing for those people who are well known in the area and with the advent of mobile phone cameras, images could appear in the press very quickly. It is best to go directly to the police station where you can observe some anonymity.

Finally, it is obvious that the defendant must contact his expert as soon as possible so that he does not make a mistake by inadvertently admitting something.

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