Many people want to lose belly fat fast. Often they have been weighed down by unwanted weight for years or even decades and are willing to do anything to get rid of their spare wheel. Often times these poor souls seek out late night infomercials and weight loss gimmicks with devastating results.

But you won’t lose that belly fat with pads or products that let you watch TV from your couch while you “exercise.” The stomach is the most difficult place in the body to lose inches. It’s almost impossible to target the visceral fat that lies under the skin surrounding the center, which is why many people never lose belly fat on fad diets like Atkins or the infamous South Beach Diet. But hope is not lost. It only takes a few changes to your routine to lose that stubborn belly fat.

First, you need to know how your body processes the food you eat. It is a mistake to think that all fat is bad and will make you gain extra pounds instead of losing them.

But that’s not true; there are good fats and bad fats. By replacing bad fats with good ones, he’ll lose stubborn belly fat faster than if he refuses to eat, leaving him hungry and prone to bingeing to satisfy his cravings.

The main thing you can do to lose belly fat fast is exercise. Experts agree that regular exercise is necessary and that exercise is best for losing stubborn cardiovascular belly fat. You should try to get at least 15 to 20 minutes of cardio exercise five days a week to develop a healthy habit that will help you lose weight in your stomach and increase your energy.

Ideally, you want to get 45 minutes of heart-pumping cardio a day by reaching your maximum heart rate after 15 minutes of warm-up exercise like yoga. You don’t need to buy a gym membership or spend exorbitant sums on expensive exercise equipment to get your heart rate up.

Some of the best cardio exercises are jogging, dancing, fast walking, swimming, biking, and stair climbing. All of this is possible for most people without a monetary investment. Staying active by spending 15 minutes a day running up and down the stairs or cleaning and organizing will speed up stomach weight loss.

In addition to healthier eating and more exercise, you can help lose belly fat by lowering your stress level. Stress causes you to accumulate fat around your midsection. Stress will affect your eating habits and energy level, so this step is really crucial for your success. So focus, eat some fruit and go up the steps several times.

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