When nature created a diversity of organisms, it made its own rules for predators and prey. Although these two elements of nature could coexist in only one type of environment, they possess some specific traits with which they could survive against each other.

For example, predators depend on prey for food, and prey also has adequate opportunities to protect itself.

Problems arise only when the most intelligent elements of nature, human beings, pose disturbances in the functioning of natural processes.

One of the similar situations arises when you choose to have several pets together, of which beautiful birds such as parrots are bought to live with cats and dogs.

You may have used every pet care tip to turn your furry four-legged companions into gentle natures, but the mere sight of prey could turn them ferocious. And this is to the point that they might end up killing and eating your sweet pet bird.

You may have seen your cats hunting birds in the garden trees and your dogs chasing them in the meadow to catch them. In such a situation, could you ever imagine that two pets of exactly opposite nature could coexist with each other? Let’s take a broader look at the above point of view.

Birds and other pets at home:

People can choose from various types of parrots, pigeons, mynah, owls, nightingales, and larks, etc. to keep them at home in cages. Most of these are extremely colorful and easy on the eyes. Everything is going perfectly until you decide to have one more pet in the form of a dog or cat, or vice versa, having a four-legged pet first.

While it’s by no means an offense to keep birds, dogs and cats together, it’s always better to be safe and sound with predators and prey co-existing in one place – your home sweet home.

Predatory actions of your four-legged pets:

It is very obvious and you may have seen countless animated movies in your youth. The most famous was the Looney Tunes Cartoon, where the cunning Wildcat attacked the small but brave Tweety. Although he could never achieve his intentions, the reality could be completely different.

In the first instance, all your pet (most likely cats) would find is the juicy meat of the bird that could satisfy their tummy. But how do you notice such conditions in your pets?

Well, you could see conditions like your pet’s body absolutely still and their eyes glued to the bird’s cage. The mouth could be closed tightly or the animal’s tongue licked with delight. It would have fully erect ears, and the tail would also be stiff, upright. When your dog or cat becomes too focused on your bird, it’s a cautionary sign to pay attention to.

Predatory actions could happen almost in the blink of an eye, but the previous steps are immensely measured and calculated. These are the warning signs for you to prepare and silence your pet to avoid attack.

Even if you have safely leashed your dog, he might try to break free by continually pulling on the leash or barking. Cats, of course, are rarely kept on a leash and are therefore more likely to attack your pet birds.

If you also find any of these conditions in your home, offer to soothe your pets with instructions and pats. Pets can also be offered treats as a reward to learn that being in a friendly gesture is more rewarding than trying to attack the weak partner.

If you can’t control fighting between your furry and winged pets, you probably need the advice of an animal behaviorist. The person might offer you exact guidance on your terms, on how to turn your fight into a friendlier gesture.

Precautions while coexisting your furry and winged pets:

While you want to instill such an idea, you should be careful about some specific points which are as follows:

· Keep pets in touch: If you think that the best method to prevent your pet from being attacked by your cat or dog is to completely separate them, you could be completely wrong. While the birds you own love to socialize, dogs and cats can also develop a sense of sympathy when they see the other pet on a daily basis. However, you should practice this by effectively keeping some distance. Birds should be kept in a suitable sturdy cage, which could be hung in a secure location. Make sure it’s big and strong enough to withstand the attacks of the most powerful pet.

· Ensure the safety of birds: The cage in which your bird is kept should be kept in a place that makes it difficult for the other pet to attack. Be sure to hang it securely so it won’t fall over when bumped.

It’s not always obvious that dogs and cats would attack your pet birds just by seeing them. However, adequate security measures must always be ensured. Most birds that are kept in a cage or open with other friendly pets could be injured in their play from the sharp claws and teeth of four-legged pets. Be sure to avoid such conditions, as they could be unpleasant.

· Do not leave pets unattended together: If you tend to forget the laws of nature and come to the conclusion that your opposite-natured pets have developed enough of a bond to prohibit any danger, you could drastically regret your decision. Birds playing outdoors with cats and dogs can become annoying at any time and this is not due to any specific reason. If cats or dogs find enough reason to do so, they will always tend to attack your pet birds, no matter how friendly they were before.

· pet toys: If you have furry pets at home, before bringing a bird into their company, you could offer your cats and dogs some bird-shaped stuffed animals and see how they react to them. It is not surprising that pets become aggressive to use their nails and claws on toys. So, it is the responsibility of the pet owner to calm down an aggressive pet and make it friendlier with its toys. If the dog or cat tends to grab the toy bird in its mouth, you can discourage the process by offering treats. In this way, the new entrant in your house will have less chance of being greeted with a nasty attack.

Upside down:

It’s really too obvious to think about, but when you have a small breed of dog or cat and the bird is comparable in size, any timid nature of your furry pet could lead your winged companion to attack it.

Birds also have sharp claws and beaks, with which they could do a lot of damage. This could also be possible when you bring a new brood of a furry pet into contact with your existing bird in the house.

In such a case, you will be required to keep your shy pet safe and in a safe place. Offer them a protected environment where birds could never try to enter.

Although the pets might become friendly in the future, you’ll be required to make sure the introduction process goes smoothly, without any fury from either side.

When your pets get hurt:

As we mentioned earlier, accidents can happen in any case and the same goes for your pets. Whether they are friendly or not, they might tend to insult each other with the natural weaponry they possess.

In this too, the chances of your birds getting hurt are always higher. If this happens, follow an immediate veterinary referral. Cat and dog tooth bites or claw attacks can be fatal to the bird and therefore require immediate medical attention.

Veterinarians would fully diagnose them for toxic consequences and offer treatments in the form of bandages and medication. You will need to keep track of the vet’s schedules and offer medicines on time for the speedy recovery of your pet.

In contrasting cases, birds might deliver a nasty bite to furry pets with their beaks and tend to insult their eyes with their sharp nails. This situation also requires immediate medical attention and could lead to many disorders in the pet’s body.

Here too, the veterinarians would offer the proper treatment, but with the help of the keeper to ensure their healthy recovery with the right measures.

Keeping winged pets (birds) and furry pets (dogs or cats) together can always be a matter of luck with your outcome. You may or may not expect them to behave aggressively towards one another, but it is always imperative to pay attention to safety measures and precautions with such a notion.

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