There are so many different varieties of lilies to choose from that it’s enough to make your head spin. Lilies are often considered the quintessential feature of a pond. But how do you decide which lily is best for your pond when there are so many varieties available? Can you tell the difference between a tropical lily and a hardy water lily? If you have no idea what types of garden lilies pond owners prefer, read on.

Benefits of water lilies in general

Lilies are a great addition to a pond because they naturally help with gas transfer and water purification. They also offer shade and protection for the fish, and provide visual interest. They can also help fight algae. Lilies also prevent excessive evaporation of water. They often have flowers that bloom throughout the season.

When choosing which lily to go with, consider where you live, the size of your pond, and what aesthetic you’re going for.

hardy water lilies

Hardy water lilies are perennial plants; They will return year after year. They need to grow in a location that gets at least 6 hours of full sun. Hardy water lilies keep the water temperature down in summer, which is great news for the aquatic and plant life that exists in your pond. Its flowers open most often between 9 am and mid-afternoon when the sunlight is strongest.

They come in many varieties and colors, from yellow and white to red and pink. The Comanche variety changes flower color from apricot to a dark coppery bronze with red veining. Leaf and flower sizes are routinely between 3 and 12 inches in diameter.

These varieties are excellent for northern climates that experience winter. Hardy water lilies will generally survive the winter as long as their roots don’t freeze completely. If they are planted with at least 16 inches of water above their root system they should be fine. Otherwise, you can store them in a cool place where the temperature stays above 41°F. Be sure to keep the plants moist.

tropical water lilies

Tropical water lilies have more color variety compared to hardy water lilies and hold their blossoms high above the water’s surface. The spectrum of colors ranges from blue, purple, and even green, and its fruit attracts birds, making your pond a thriving gathering point for various creatures of the air.

Most are extremely fragrant, some even bloom at night. They should not be planted until the threat of frost is gone and the water temperature is around 70°F. The cold waters will shock them. They need warm, calm water to thrive. Its leaves and flowers are larger, with a diameter between 7 and 18 inches.

If you choose to use a tropical variety of water lilies in a climate that experiences winter, there are a couple of overwintering methods you can use:

  • Store in an aquarium. Just before a deadly frost, remove the lilies, cut off the leaves, and dig up the tubers. Note that the tubers may have split and some may be quite small. The tubers form during a growing season typically below or just above the ground. They continue to grow until they are separated from the main plant and the separated tubers can be used to create a new plant. Plant in an aquatic soil in 4 in. pots and place in the aquarium. Fill with water and have a light source. You will want the water temperature to remain between 70 and 80°F.
  • Storage method. Place tubers in moist, not wet, sand and store in an area that stays between 50 and 55°F. Pot in early spring, using a process similar to the aquarium method. You will want to use an aquarium heater to keep it warm.
  • Treat tropical water lilies as annuals. Let the frost kill the plant. After the threat of frost is over each year, purchase and plant new lilies.

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