The Destiny Number in a numerology chart is calculated using a person’s full birth name. This is the full name that appears on your birth certificate, unless you were adopted shortly after birth and your name was changed. In that case, the new name can be used. Write the full name with space below the letters to write the number that corresponds to each one. A, J and S are represented by number 1. B, K and T are represented by number 2. C, L and U are number 3. D, M and V are number 4. E, N and W are 5. F, O, and X are 6. G, P, and Y are 7. H, Q, and Z are 8. I and R are 9.

To calculate the Destiny Number, add the numbers from each part of the name, reduce the total if it is not between 1 and 9 (or 11 or 22, the master numbers). Then add the reduced results of each part of the name and reduce again if necessary. For the name Jane Doe Smith, it would start with Jane, which would be 1 + 1 + 5 + 5 or 12, which reduces to 3. Doe would be 4 + 6 + 5 or 15, which reduces to 6. Smith would be 1 + 4 + 9 + 2 + 8 or 24, which reduces to 6. Add them and 3 + 6 + 6 or 15, which reduces to 6. Jane Doe Smith’s destiny number would be 6.

For those with a Destiny Number of 6, their lives will be dedicated to love, balance, and responsibility. They will be conscientious, helpful, and able to rectify and balance any disharmony in their environment. Helping and comforting those in need will attract these people, especially when those in need are the elderly, children, the sick, or the poor. Those with their Destiny Number at 6 believe in correcting mistakes and behaving with charity.

This person would make a great parent as much of your energy and concern would be directed towards your home. They approach all relationships with an open and honest nature. Happiness on the home front will be so important to them that they will somehow be able to create almost perfect harmony without even breaking a sweat. Your occupation will also be chosen to help the household and often the community as well. A job in social work, teaching, construction, science (especially medicine), or religion is likely a good fit for this person.

The advantages of having a Destiny Number of 6 include a friendly, appreciative, and loving nature. There is also sympathy for others that can result in great acts of generosity and kindness. The negative aspects of this number can include dominance, stubbornness, and a self-righteous attitude. They can be too demanding of themselves and those around them. There is a tendency to self-sacrifice to save others from stress or harm. This can cause excessive concern.

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