Would you like to reduce the amount of trash you send to the landfill? Could you use an endless supply of nutrient-rich soil for your garden?

Composting is a wonderful strategy for creating boosters and fertilizers for your garden or lawn and is an extremely eco-friendly way to help solve the existing landfill dilemma. In this short article, we are going to examine 10 facts about composting.

#1: Composting can easily turn kitchen and garden waste materials into a rich, natural and organic additive to garden soil.

#2: The first modern use of composting dates back to organic farmers in the 1920s in Europe.

#3: Composting is a sensible and effortless way to deal with yard clippings and debris like grass clippings, fallen leaves, plant clippings, and more.

#4: Composting is a natural, organic biological process where bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms break down organic substances like foliage, grass clippings, and kitchen waste.

#5: The speed of the composting process can be increased by rotating or turning the pile regularly.

#6: A tip to remember the exact mix of materials to use when making compost is this: 3 parts brown, 1 part green. Keep it moist and rotate it regularly.

#7: Composting can help eliminate up to 20% of the waste you send to landfills.

#8: Composting is one of the most effective things you can do to reduce your impact on the environment, help wildlife, add nutrition to your soil, and increase crop yields and plant health.

#9: Worm composting, also known as vermicomposting, is one of the fastest techniques for recycling vegetable and fruit scraps.

#10: Composting will do wonders for your garden if used correctly.

Getting started with composting is easy, fun, and a great way to do your part to save the environment.

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