Products Available For Adding Minerals to Distilled Water

Distilled water is the most pure form of water available, a fact that makes it an excellent choice for using with medical equipment or for household appliances and machines like a humidifier. However, the lack of minerals in distilled water can leave your body without vital nutrients that help with hydration and other functions. If you want to add some trace minerals to your distilled water, there are several commercial products available for you to choose from.

Mineral drops are liquid solutions that contain micro-minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, sodium and zinc, that you can drop into your drinking water to give it a mineral taste. Some products are designed to infuse your distilled water with electrolytes as well, which can help with restoring the balance of your body’s fluid levels.

You can also purchase a bottle that has a cartridge that adds ionic minerals to your reverse osmosis water, allowing you to create mineral water at home. These bottles can decrease your acidity and introduce some important trace minerals to your diet, but they can be expensive and may include crystals like rose quartz or amethyst, which do not have any physiological benefits.

Another option is to buy a remineralization filter that attaches to your reverse osmosis system. These systems change the pH level of your distilled water, which gives it an alkaline taste and can make it more beneficial for health and beauty. The Frizzlife TAM3 is one example of a remineralization filter that you can use with a RO system.

Commercial Products Available For Adding Minerals to Distilled Water

It’s also possible to purchase mineral packets that contain essential minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium, for you to drink with your distilled water. These can be found at grocery stores and some pharmacies. However, many of these supplements are highly processed and do not provide the amount of mineral nutrition that your body needs to stay healthy.

Distillation removes minerals from the water, but most of the essential minerals your body consumes come from food. You’d have to consume over 600 eight-ounce glasses of how to add minerals to distilled water per day to get your recommended daily allowance of calcium, for instance.

The lack of minerals in distilled water can cause electrolyte imbalances, which can be dangerous for some people. These imbalances can happen as a result of illness, severe diarrhea or vomiting, intense exercise and sweating, and pregnancy. Adding some electrolyte minerals to your distilled water can help restore these imbalances and prevent dehydration. The most common electrolytes to add to distilled water are potassium, calcium, sodium and zinc.

The first three are crucial for maintaining fluid balance in your body, while the last two work to transport and regulate nutrient transportation as well as support normal blood pressure. These are available in powder and tablet forms as well as in liquid drops. Many of these types of products can be purchased online or at health-food and specialty stores. They can be added to tap water as well, but the most convenient way is to use a remineralization filter.

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