Pest Control Sacramento Provide Customer

When choosing a pest control Sacramento CA company, it’s important to look beyond price. Asking for references and reading online reviews can help you find a company that will provide you with the best service. Look for a company with a long history in the area and an established presence. It’s also a good idea to check with the Better Business Bureau before hiring a company. A single bad review isn’t necessarily a problem, but if there is a pattern of complaints, it may be time to look elsewhere.

Cockroaches, ants, and rodents account for the majority of reported home pest infestations in Sacramento. These pests invade homes in search of food, shelter, and water. They can contaminate food supplies by spreading bacteria from their bodies and shedding skin, ruin insulation by chewing through wires, damage drywall by chewing through the wood framework, and introduce diseases and parasites to household members.

Rodents, such as house mice and rats, are common in Sacramento, especially in urban areas with high density housing. These pests cause structural damage and can introduce diseases to household members through their droppings and nesting materials. Rodents can also destroy personal belongings, tamper with electrical wiring, gnaw through drywall and wood beams, ruin insulated wires, and chew up valuables. A pest control professional can eliminate rodents and other common pests from your home or office.

Can Pest Control Sacramento Provide Customer References Or Reviews?

Wood-destroying insects, such as powderpost beetles and bark beetles, can also damage residential and commercial structures in Sacramento. These pests feed on a variety of hardwoods including ash, bamboo, cherry, hickory, mahogany, oak, and walnut. They can cause extensive damage to these trees by boring holes through their woody exteriors, destroying the inner structure of the tree, and causing the wood to become soft and crumble.

Pest infestations can be difficult to remove without the help of a professional. Pests are attracted to dirty, unkempt areas of a property, and they can hide in a wide variety of places. The hospitable California climate makes it easier for these pests to thrive all year round, so most homeowners will need semi-regular or monthly pest control services to keep them at bay.

Termites are a major pest problem in the Sacramento region. EcoGuard Pest Management offers local Sacramento termite inspections and treatment, as well as termite fumigation services for properties in need of urgent pest control. Its team of experts will evaluate a property using specialized tools to identify the signs of a termite infestation, then formulate an appropriate solution. They also work with real estate brokerages and property management companies to offer termite inspection reports for homes on the market. These reports can protect buyers from the risk of buying a property with a termite infestation. They can also help protect owners from the cost of costly repair bills. Termite inspections and treatments can be performed on both commercial and residential properties. In addition, a termite treatment plan can be customized to meet the specific needs of each client.

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