You can define a business card as: a small card that identifies a person in relation to their business, given to a client, potential client, etc.

The business card in some parts of the world is also called a business card. It is one of the most important elements of a company. A business card introduces you to others. Inform others about your name and the activity you are involved in. A business person cannot live without a business card. It is the most important and elegant way to introduce yourself, your services and / or products to others who may be interested in what you have to offer.

There are now two types of business cards available. One is the printed business card and the other is the email business card. The printed business card is used in the real world, where you meet people in person and give them to them. In the virtual world, also on the Internet, you pass your business card and it is called business card by email.

So how do you get a printed business card? The best way is to have a designer design it for you. Where do you find the designer? Look in your local yellow pages or go online and do a little research. You would find one. Although professionals suggest that an entrepreneur should seek the help of a designer, a person with cash flow problems may not be able to afford it. So what is the other alternative?

The solution is that you have to observe the business cards of others. You must have found many business cards over the years. Check them out. Write the best features you find on those cards. Take note of all those characteristics that in your opinion you should incorporate in your card. It may not always be possible to have all of these features on your card for a number of reasons. It depends on the stock of paper, the number of fonts, their size, the ink colors used, and the size of the card itself, not to mention placing it. Business cards come in various sizes and shapes. Can be verticals or horizontals. It could be a plain card, a two-fold card, or even a three-fold card. Sometimes there may be something hit on the card itself. The so-called simple card could also have some content on both sides of the card.

Now what should you include in your business card? The name of your business, of course. Along with the mission statement you’ve coined after a lot of thought. Now look at the items that should go on the card.

The first thing is obviously your name. Ideally, this should be included with the designation / title. You can also indicate your academic grade right next to it. For instance:

Joe Bill, B. Sc – Sales Executive

You may mention your affiliations, if any, along with your other professional or academic designations.

  • You will also mention the name of the department / division followed by the name of the company.
  • You will give the complete and complete address of your company along with the postal code.
  • It will also mention landline numbers along with cell / mobile phone numbers.
  • You will provide the business URL along with your own email id.
  • Of course, it will also feature the logo. In fact, it is the most visible element of your business card.

While you can choose a single simple card and provide all the information on one side, an innovative way to use the blank would be to provide the address along with a street map or driving directions on the other side of the card.

If you have a partner, both of you can share the same card. This is ideal in the case of a husband and wife team. Both can use the same card by giving the details on each side of the card. In these times of recession, you should ideally save money whenever possible.

An innovative insurance salesperson stuck a dime on his business card just to politely remind his clients, “You will never go broke” with my services.

However, it helps to have something besides your name and location, but not too much. This sets you apart from the competition. A minimum number of different fonts should be used. A card should be simple in design but eye-catching without being flashy in color. Study other people’s cards to see which combinations are best presented and treat them as your own.

When making your calls, make sure you are fully prepared with ample business cards on hand. Keep your card where you can easily remove it. Do not keep them in your wallet or keep them in your briefcase. There are card holders that would help you hold multiple cards. They keep the cards clean and in shape. They help you avoid handing out dirty or dog-eared cards. Put this card holder in your suit or shirt pocket. You don’t have to take it out of the back pocket while sitting.

Try to find innovative ways to exchange business cards while at parties or in meetings, meetings, or conferences. A business card exchange doesn’t necessarily have to happen at a formal business meeting. When someone asks where you live, take out the card and give it to yourself.

In a restaurant or when you go out for lunch, dinner leaves a card on the table. It would help someone to communicate with you. Every now and then, leave a card at the bank when you are completing that deposit slip. Leave your card on the counter.

This little story appeared in a magazine. When this visiting Briton, while in a Malaysian hotel, asked a Japanese by the pool, “What are you doing?”, The enterprising Japanese pulled out his business card from the trunks he was carrying and handed it to him.

With a bit of web searching, you can get great free templates to help you create your own business card.

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