Nobody wants to go through a breakup. Brad Browning knows it. As a verified relationship expert, Brad Browning teaches men and women around the world how to deal with the pain of a breakup. He has written numerous guides, filmed support videos, and mentored individuals through the breakup process to reconnection.

Brad Browning method to regain self-esteem

One of the worst parts of going through a breakup is the pain of losing someone, that’s true. But even worse is losing self-esteem. Being told “you’re not enough for me” or “you don’t make me happy anymore” is a huge blow to someone’s ego. When you go through the breakup, your first step should be to regain your self-esteem.

In his guide, Brad Browning explains that the process of regaining self-esteem is simple. First, you need to focus on yourself and your own life, letting go of your ex temporarily. This is not a permanent move, just something you should do in the meantime until you feel 100% back.

Repeatedly look in the mirror and remind yourself that you are worthy and good and someone worth loving. You should take some time during the day for this type of self-affirmation to ensure that your self-esteem doesn’t take a hit after your breakup.

Getting Your Ex Back: The No Contact Rule

Brad Browning also talks a lot about the no contact rule as part of the break up and recovery process. The no contact rule is a period where you don’t talk to your ex via phone, Facebook, Reddit, or any other method, for a full 30 days (or more). The important thing about this period is that it gives you time to focus on what went wrong during your relationship so that you can form a plan of attack.

It also gives you time to make your ex miss you, which is part of what will help you win him back in the end.

The reason no contact is so important is that it helps your ex figure out the things they did wrong and also give you some time to gain perspective. It also allows you to reconnect later with a stronger relationship because you will have had time to evaluate yourself and your own life before becoming codependent with your ex.

reconnect later

After you have a period of time to regain your self-esteem and no contact, you can reconnect with your ex. You can do it through a letter that you write explaining that you understand the reasons for the breakup and you accept it.

But there’s also another very important part of getting back together with your ex that Brad Browning discusses as part of his relationship coaching. Typically, he won’t listen to this advice anywhere else, which is what makes it so unique.

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