The benefits of receiving a Reiki treatment can be illustrated with many examples. An example we like is the feedback received by those people who may be quite skeptical of the healing technique per se and may come to Reiki with slight resistance in mind, even trying to track down any small weaknesses or failures in the treatment itself. The wisdom to answer any question is in the practitioner’s ability to explain how healing can take time and how, in fact, the mind works as a shield rather than an enhancer to facilitate healing.

Since I started practicing Reiki in 1999, I have never missed a daily treatment and have integrated Reiki into my daily life seamlessly and within a 360 degree range. Actually, for 12 years I had two self-treatments a day: one in the morning and one at night. Which means that holistically Reiki is in my whole life, lifestyle, past, present and future. Becoming a mother and giving Reiki to both the pregnant and the new mother is also an enriching experience, not to mention the use of Reiki for all the usual ailments of children. Becoming a Reiki Master Master in 2009 transformed that experience into an even deeper energetic vibration, as sharing knowledge, experience and gained wisdom with students is a fascinating journey.

It occurred to me to experience a complete rotation of my entire life and lifestyle, and simultaneously with the energetic change of the Earth’s electromagnetic field, some more vibrational changes occurred. Among those changes were loss of interest in certain types of entertainment, loss of interest in certain types of food, loss of interest in maintaining unsatisfactory relationships both privately and socially, loss of interest in outdated corporate structures, etc. As a corollary to these losses, there were some significant and invaluable gains, such as increased mindfulness, a substantial increase in weekly hours of Zen meditation, the search for answers to human propensities such as anger and depression, and a deep search to access to the deep awakening of pure consciousness. The latter has been a passion for decades, though I guess with Reiki, meditation, Yoga, and a greater pursuit of living my life as the soul dictates, I found myself traveling in a vortex plane of some kind that connects to cosmic energies. Examples began to abound in my daily life of weather empathies, sensing Gaia and Earth-linked energies seeking change which often manifested in earthquakes I could sense coming, not to mention significant, abundant, invaluable, and synchronicities. progressively recurring. taking many forms.

At first in awe and with various questions about these frequent events in my life, I began to accept them, using Reiki Self Treatment, Distance Treatments, Re-attuning myself as a Reiki Master Master, reading and connecting with like minded people. A substantial increase in meditation hours also helped clear the mind. [and the body] of its toxins and finally began to live a lighter and renewed life running my newly established healing studio with as much grace and commitment to helping people help themselves as possible.

Recently, in August 2013, I suddenly ended up in the hospital after trying for a week to heal myself and treat my worsening intestinal conditions with natural remedies and positive thinking. In fact, I asked to be taken to the hospital to prevent kidney failure and went there with a stronger mind than ever, determined to keep up the rate of healing even within a typical African hospital. After the first three hours of the rehydration drip, I was ready to go home and asked to be discharged. They looked at me puzzled and advised me to stay the night since they found traces of malaria and that it would be better to continue the treatment overnight. My resistance was answered with wisdom and he subsidized me. Now, on the other side of that night, I can confidently say that I definitely had to get through that night and experience what was given to me as a gateway upon awakening.

Within the weakness of my physical body under heavy drip treatment, something I had never experienced before, I found strength, intention for spontaneous healing, and a profound experience of accessing pure consciousness. Let me explain. I was in self healing mode, I sent Reiki to the past, present future, drip, my body, my mind and everyone involved around me. I did everything with the use of my mind’s eye, including at some point talking to these lights that kept floating around me and calling out to GOD.

Voices answered my call, they clearly explained that something was at stake and that a profound change was taking place in the DNA and that I had to be patient. GOD also urged me to be patient and get the job done and complete. These were voices from outer space, metallic and in sci-fi movies, voices from far away now so close I could hear them whispering in my ears.

Waiting patiently for the DNA operation to complete, I let it slide. I stated how excited I was to be in such a deep pure awareness experience that it would help in any way possible. In the morning, although to the great astonishment of the doctors, I asked and begged to be discharged. A few days later, while I was recovering at home and during a self-treatment, the voices reached me again with their metallic resonance, announcing that the operation “DNA change” was complete and that I was ready to spread the light and undertake my mission in That country. Since then, I have found allies everywhere, a deeper connection to cosmic energies, and a Reiki journey that has embarked on an even deeper and more fascinating journey. I bet I had to spend that night in the hospital to ensure a great portal awakening! Perhaps the old saying, No pain, no gain still held true? Who knows! In any case, since then my life has taken a fabulous turn! Still hurt.

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