Dan Pink’s DRIVE adds to the motivation and drives it like a motorcycle on a mountain road. There are twists and turns, but the more you drive, the hotter it gets. You know, that feeling of freedom, pure emotion, and the pure thrill of being alive. Oh, haven’t you felt this way in a while?

It may be that your organization, team or family is using extrinsic motivators (carrot and stick) to motivate team members. You may want to take DRIVE and upgrade to Mr. Pink’s three intrinsic motivation elements:

  • Autonomy
  • master’s degree
  • objective

While the book was written for teams in the workplace, the concepts can be applied to home, fitness, charity, and any other dimension of your life. First, autonomy it means you have the freedom to make decisions. master’s degree it means that you are striving to conquer an area of ​​interest, skill or topic. N’oubliez pas objective, knowing ‘why’ you wake up every day! Pink is encouraging management to adopt a new operating system that gives people and teams the freedom to make decisions. New generations of employees want to make a difference in the world and promote causes, charities and a cleaner world. Extrinsic motivation (compensation, benefits, incentives) is still important, but adding intrinsic motivational components improves the internal energy of your team.

Turn these into questions for your family, team, or yourself:

  • “Where is there an area where we can make a difference?
  • “Who could lead that effort?”
  • “What can we learn or experience today to improve our chances of success?”
  • “Why do we want to do this – really?”

Sometimes there is an internal clash between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. If a person has multiple projects, time constraints can get in the way of new commitments. Taking a team approach prevents burnout and gets everyone involved. Getting new ideas from different team members keeps you fresh.

Reconnect to ‘Positive’

One of my favorite quotes from the book is that POSITIVE Psychology has “reoriented the study of psychological science away from the previous focus on disease and dysfunction and toward well-being and effective functioning.” [1] In other words, study well-adjusted and successful people if you want to be happy, healthy, rich, and wise. Observe the habits of high achievers and reproduce these behaviors. Get in touch with the values, morals, and beliefs of the people around you. What is it that matters to them? Set your compass in a positive perspective based on autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Refuse to be negative and inspire your friends, family and teammates with a new perspective on life!

[1] Drive. Pinkish. Penguin books. 2009. P 73

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