In cultures where divorce was long considered taboo (Japan, India, China, etc.), marriage laws and gender bias were stacked heavily against the female of the species. However, with the onset of economic progress, critical factors such as compulsory education and increasing job opportunities have allowed women to achieve near equality with men in all walks of life and are definitely more organized (much more than before). The power to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ when women mean it is also legally enforceable in the laws of the respective country. Therefore, it is natural that when the woman is empowered, she has the option to contract or end a marriage.

It is well known that cultures and countries with long histories definitely enjoyed a very low percentage of cases where women were the initiators of divorce because it was men who divorced and women were totally at the mercy of the male partner. Society frowned upon the very thought of a woman contemplating divorce, and society subjected a divorce seeking wife to inhumane treatment. In some cultures, women did not have the legal right to divorce (for example, the Shia community in India and the Middle East) because religious texts were interpreted to prohibit women from divorcing their husbands.

Does this fact mean, that women now want out of marriage, that most men are at their worst intolerant behavior? Statistics show that men are more likely to perpetrate all types of violence or abuse, not only within their homes but also outside of them (drugs, infidelity, alcoholism, bloodshed, spousal violence, etc.). This should be a sure indication why the percentage of women who choose not to participate in cruel marriages is increasing.

Once again, statistics reveal that some of the biggest contributors to rising divorce rates are lack of time for each other and unsatisfying sex. This seems to point to the conclusion that men fail to satisfy their wives emotionally and physically. This theory is supported by the statistics that women file for divorce twice as often as men. Thus, the degree of happiness (or unhappiness) of the wife (whether real or perceived), tends to play an important role in women who wish to divorce.

Consequently, it can also be said that concomitant external factors such as work pressure, the need to be independent (in maximum areas), the achievement of financial goals and the relaxation of social norms also play a role in women seeking the divorce (Men can breathe easy now, as the statistics don’t put all the blame on their doorstep.) Previously, the female partner would go to great lengths to try to maintain the fabric of married life through thick and thin. This was possible due to the fact that the women took care of the home while the men earned the bread.

But in this modern age of varied human values, she has easily given up because society offers many options to live the way she wants. Today’s society and generation are more tuned to succeed and therefore passionately indulge in materialism, regardless of gender. There is no time for anything else, which drastically interferes with that materialism. Partners volunteer hundreds of miles apart and are content to have contact by email or phone (the kids are conveniently tucked away, out of sight, in residential schools) as they eagerly climb the corporate ladder. So can it be said that society is also an important factor for women to divorce their husbands?

Conceived as a legal savior to ensure the survival of helpless children and dependent wives, child custody and alimony is increasingly being used as a tool to ensure post-divorce life is more comfortable for the custodian of children, instead of children. themselves. Courts are throwing out many cases where the woman’s sought grounds for divorce have been found to be purely material gain or to finance a comfortable new marriage with a lover.

Most divorce cases cite “mental cruelty” as the reason for filing for divorce. But a closer look at the problem reveals that it is invariably due to a lack of closeness and mental or physical communication (caused by modern external pressures) that is the real cause of women seeking the easy way out of marriage, is say, divorce. From a dominant role of food gatherer, hunter, and protector of the family, the male psyche will need more time to adjust to its new role as equal partner. The atmosphere of yesteryear and the atmosphere of today vary enormously. The new order requires that men have to adapt to a new role of participation in the so-called exclusive domains unfairly reserved for women (cooking, washing, taking care of the children, taking care of the house, etc.) until now.

This share-all activity leads to greater understanding and more time and ideal communication between partners. Women need to foster their naturally gifted qualities that contribute to the happiness of any home, through their increased ability to give love, care, forgiveness, and make sacrifices.

A woman should be a housewife instead of breaking up the home.

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