What if someone found a magic potion, an instant way to rejuvenate? One sip and there you would be: your wrinkles gone, energy pouring out of each and every pore radiating a youthful glow! Research shows that while we can’t stop the aging process, we can definitely control the rate at which we age. Aging occurs when our cells become permanently damaged by continuous attacks by chemical particles and free radicals. These are oxygen free radicals with unpaired electrons. They are highly unstable and reactive, and have the potential to cause severe damage to cell structure. This damage accumulates over a period of time and manifests itself in the form of old age.

But where do these free radicals come from? Free radicals are formed through metabolic processes such as digestion and respiration, when the body eliminates toxins or fights diseases. In addition, external factors such as air pollution, radiation (exposure to sunlight), cigarette smoke, insecticides, herbicides, and unhealthy eating habits also generate free radicals in the body.

When you peel a banana and leave it out in the open, it turns black. In scientific terms, it has oxidized or aged. Similarly, the human body is constantly bombarded by life-erasing free radicals that make it age. The only way to slow down the process and stabilize free radicals is by neutralizing them with the help of antioxidants, that is, compounds that can give up one of their electrons without becoming unstable. By consuming foods rich in antioxidants, we can neutralize ninety-nine percent of free radical damage. In this way, we can return free radicals to their normal state and stop their destructive activities. These antioxidants are all around us in the form of fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs. The three basic antioxidants are vitamin C, E and beta-carotene.

Vitamin C

Recognized as one of the most powerful antioxidants, it enhances the benefits of most other antioxidants. A regular intake of around 500mg of vitamin C is one of the cheapest ways to lead a healthier life. It keeps diseases at bay, boosts immunity, strengthens blood vessels, and promotes the formation of white blood cells, which are our body’s soldiers.

beta carotene

Did you know that a single large glass of carrot juice a day can provide us with more than 15,000 IU of Beta-carotene! The body uses beta-carotene to produce vitamin A, which helps boost the immune system, improves the rate of wound healing, improves skin quality, prevents dry skin, prevents hair loss, and reduces the risk of cancer.

Vitamin E

It protects the blood vessels, dissolves blood clots, thins the blood and prevents strokes. Prevents the oxidation of bad cholesterol (LDL). It protects the lungs against pollution and is a powerful wound healer. It is known to prevent the growth of breast tumors, thus reducing the risk of cancer. A dose of 100 IU to 400 IU per day is recommended for protection against heart disease. Since vitamin E is fat-soluble, it is concentrated in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and wheat germ. It is virtually impossible to get 400 IU through food alone. To get that from food, you’ll have to eat at least six cups of almonds, or six pounds of wheat germ, or twenty-five cups of peanuts! Therefore, it is advisable to take it in the form of supplements, which are available as alpha tocopherol.

Caution: People taking anticoagulant medications should avoid taking vitamin E supplements.

Anti-Aging Treatment Tips

  1. Eat at least 4-5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Be sure to eat different types of fruits and vegetables, as each has a unique set of antioxidants.
  2. A glass of vegetable juice a day can keep the demon of aging away! Raw vegetable juice is full of known and unknown antioxidants.
  3. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables instead of canned, as canning destroys a number of antioxidants.
  4. Choose brightly colored fruits and vegetables. They have more antioxidant power than light-colored ones.
  5. Switch to olive oil for cooking and use virgin olive oil to make salad dressings.
  6. Say no to the oily stuff and eat less oil, no more than two to three teaspoons a day. Excessive consumption of fats increases the activity of free radicals
  7. Never use hydrogenated oils like margarine, as it increases the risk of heart disease. Hydrogenated oils also produce more free radicals in the body that promote the aging process.
  8. Reduce your intake of animal fat as it is saturated and causes free radical damage. These types of fats include cheese, whole milk, ghee, red meat, beef, veal, chicken skin, etc. Reduce the consumption of red meat such as pork, beef, etc. / eat white meats such as chicken, turkey and fish. Do not eat the skin of the chicken.
  9. Add years to your life by eating more fish. Contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for the heart. But remember, frying fish negates its anti-aging properties. So steam the fish, poach it or make a curry. Fish oil is known to contain antioxidants and also unclogs arteries.
  10. If you are a vegetarian, you can get the benefit of Omega-3 fatty acids in certain plant foods such as wheat germ oil, walnut oil, almond oil, flaxseed oil, and oil extracted from soybeans.
  11. Switch to green tea, as it is packed with antioxidants that will slow down your aging process.
  12. Ban sugar and refined flours from your kitchen. It will help you live longer.
  13. Take vitamin E supplements as it prevents oxidation.
  14. Eat more garlic. Studies indicate that eating raw garlic blocks the oxidation of fat present in meats
  15. Eat in moderation. Eating and drinking in excess is harmful
  16. Keep a positive attitude. Do what really makes you happy because it contributes to inner peace and longevity.
  17. Stay in touch with your family and friends. Being loved and having a sense of belonging works like a buffer

While youth is not something forever, premature aging should not be accepted in silence either.

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