Algeria is a large country located in North Africa; this is an ideal vacation spot for large numbers of people each year. There are currently no gay bars or gay clubs in Algeria, but there are several places you can go to enjoy some interesting culture and nightlife.

Algeria is not one of the first places a gay traveler would think of hiking. Algeria is a very conservative Muslim country where alcohol consumption and overt heterosexual activity are frowned upon, much less homosexual activity. However, the keyword here is open. There is a gay scene but it is very discreet and operates clandestinely for fear of lynching.

With no gay clubs or bars in the country, you will be pleased to know that there are still a variety of places offering nightclubs; generally hotels. Entrance fees are usually high, but they usually come with a few drinks. The bars in Algeria are mainly coffee and tea bars and you are likely to spend your afternoons meeting the locals at a coffee or tea bar. Meeting the locals can be the way to get to know unannounced places and events that may be of interest to you.

Be careful at all times and show your respect for the local community and its traditions. What may not be available in public, may be available at private events or parties, but you must always behave in a legal and socially acceptable manner. Disobedience and rebellious behavior are considered taboo and frowned upon and, in some cases, can cost you a night in jail or worse.

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