There is new research indicating that increased use of antioxidants may play a role in the treatment and prevention of erectile dysfunction.

What causes erectile dysfunction?

Although it originates from the nervous system, the erection is achieved due to the effect of increasing the amount of nitric oxide released by the endothelial lining of the blood vessels within the penis, which increases blood flow.

Maintaining an erection obviously depends on this increased blood flow, and studies have shown that endothelial function is inhibited by free radical damage and oxidative stress, which is caused by many factors in our daily lives, such as poor diet, smoking and stress, among others. Some.

More recent studies have shown that increased use of antioxidants can reverse this oxidative stress. They do this by neutralizing free radicals responsible for oxidative stress and endothelial damage in the relevant blood vessels.

Antioxidants can be found in a number of common foods, such as grapes, blueberries, and cherries, however, since such large amounts of these foods must be consumed to reap benefits, many researchers suggest that antioxidants be taken in high power form. extra charge.

Acai to the Rescue!

The latest research conducted at several universities has found that the Acai berry, a grape-sized berry grown in Central and South America, has even higher levels of antioxidants than almost any other food source.

Interestingly, this powerful little purple berry has been used by people living in Brazil for centuries as a natural aphrodisiac and has been shown to not only increase male testosterone level but also increase female libido.

On a recent trip to Brazil, NBC’s Matt Lauer noted that natives referred to the Acai berry as the “Viagra of the Amazon” in part because of its rich concentration of carbohydrates, iron, protein, and healthy fats that help boost metabolism. exercise. while, at the same time, the high concentration of antioxidants help regulate blood sugar levels, thus maintaining energy levels for an extended period of time.

Now you may be wondering where to buy acai berry supplements.

There are a number of companies that advertise their products and will try to mislead you about the ingredients in their products, so make sure the supplement you choose contains 100% pure berries and comes from a reputable and well-recommended source.

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