Since its introduction in the 1930s, the popularity of plastic pipes has continued to grow. The pipes are usually easy to install and avoid some of the plumbing problems that are common with metal pipes.

The most widely used plastic pipes today are: cross-linked polyethylene pipes, polyvinyl chloride and chlorinated polyvinyl chloride.

Cross-linked polyethylene pipes are one of the most widely used pipes today and are often installed in place of copper pipes. In most cases they are installed to supply hot and cold water. They are also popular choices for home appliances like boilers.

The material is well known for its flexibility, low cost, ease of installation, and ability to maintain water pressure. The tubes are available in many colors such as red, blue, and white. The red pipes are used for hot water, while the blue pipes are used for cold water.

Polyvinyl chloride is a white or gray pipe that is generally used for high pressure water. In most cases, the pipes are used for the main supply line to the house.

The pipes are not very flexible which makes them less suitable for smaller spaces. Although the pipes are designed for high-pressure water, they usually deform at temperatures above 140 degrees, so they are not applicable for kitchen drains, where they can be easily damaged by hot kitchen water or hot water. dishwasher.

Chlorinated polyvinyl chlorides are usually chlorinated polyvinyl pipes. These pipes are often easier to mold and more flexible than polyvinyl and can also withstand higher temperatures and pressures.

Due to these properties, the pipes are ideal for industrial applications; however, they can also be used to transport residential drinking water. Although the pipes are flexible, they crack easily if they freeze, so they should not be used underground.

When planning to install the plumbing in your home, you need to be very careful. This is because you may come across some plumbers who don’t know the pros and cons of each of the pipes, so they install the wrong pipes.

Worse yet, you may know some plumbers who might advise you to trade off the long-term effectiveness of plumbing for short-term cost savings, and as a result think you’ve gotten a good deal on your plumbing fixture, but in the wrong sense. real will have made big mistakes

To be sure, you have to do a lot of research. If you have friends who have installed the pipes before, you should talk to them and ask them to recommend some of the best plumbers they know.

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