The transformation of soil from a strong kingdom to a liquid nation due to accelerated stress and differential settlement of footings is known as soil liquefaction.

The characteristics to take into account in the stage of architectural planning and structural arrangement of buildings for protection against earthquakes are:

a) Building configuration
b) Foundation
c) Control of holes in partitions
d) Reinforced concrete bands in masonry residential buildings.
E) Vertical reinforcement.

Flood protection measures are:

I) Residence on the banks of rivers and slopes on the banks of rivers must be prevented.
ii) The buildings should be built 250 meters away from the sea coast/river banks.
iii) Construct adequate drainage system in all flood prone areas.
(iv) Gather the entire village or settlement on a raised platform higher than the high flood extent.
V) Assemble the building with a plinth level higher than the known degree of excessive flooding.

The measures adopted to control soil degradation in unique regions of our users are:

I) Soil erosion in mountainous areas can be controlled by creating terraces for agriculture.
ii) Clogging of gullies through the construction of observation dams.
iii) Afforestation can manipulate soil erosion on slopes.
iv) In arid regions, education on safe havens, flora belts manage overgrazing through the use of animals and development of thorny shrubs to stabilize sand dunes.
V) In semi-arid zones, conservation of humidity, management of weeds and correct control of vacant lots.
vi) The control of mining sports are some of the techniques to reduce land degradation.

The number one goal of earthquake resistant design is to prevent buildings from collapsing during earthquakes, thereby minimizing the possibility of loss of life or harm to humans in or around the buildings. There are safe capacities, which are considered in the degree of architectural and structural planning to improve their performance during the duration of the earthquake.

The natural factors responsible for landslides are:
a) If the slopes are steep.
B) If excessive rainfall intensity occurs.
C) If the slopes are rigid.
D) Layers of soil formed by gravity.
E) The rock layers are quite eroded.
F) Poor drainage.

The factors responsible for landslides are:
a) Soil erosion induced by deforestation.
B) Mines and quarries.
C) Excavation without engineering.
D) Construction without engineering.
E) Land use pattern.

If homes cannot withstand the forces of excessive winds and storm surge, those homes are considered prone. Typically, cyclone-prone highs are lightweight wood-framed systems, specifically older homes where the wood has deteriorated and weakened the walls. Poorly constructed cinder block houses are also vulnerable.
Urban and rural communities on low-lying islands or in unprotected low-lying coastal areas or river floodplains are considered at risk from cyclones.
Man-made elements responsible for causing landslides:
I) Precipitated soil erosion due to deforestation.
ii) Mines and quarries
iii) Excavation without engineering
iv) Non-engineered construction.
V) Land use pattern.

The configuration of an earthquake resistant building are:

a) The building must have an easy rectangular plan.
B) The long walls need to be supported by Reinforced Concrete Columns.

Foundation of an earthquake resistant building:

a) Evaluate the liquefaction capacity of the soil to avoid cracking due to tilting and form failures.
B) An adequate base design must be foreseen so that the building can resist earthquakes.

Homes vulnerable to landslides are those that are located on:
a) Under hills with outcrops of fractured rock.
B) Steep natural slopes, mainly on weak geological materials.
C) Developed slopes where septic tanks, soil absorption structures are used, and the landscape is irrigated.
D) Cut slopes or embankment associated with production.
E) Areas in or on the drainage mouths that include canyons.
F) Presence of landslides nearby.
The houses most prone to flooding are:
a) If biomass materials like bamboo, leaves and thatch are used to build huts, then they are easily destroyed by floods and washed away.
B) Residential buildings that can be built with earth-based fabric or with stone and brick in powder mortar.
C) Floodplains attract poor urban dwellers because land values ​​are less expensive.
D) The occupation of regions within the river floodplains, particularly in regions of high population, has increased vulnerability.

The effects on homes due to flooding are:

a) The water below the high-velocity current drags the houses.
B) Flooding waters can cause houses to float from their foundations.
C) Even if the houses remain intact on their foundations, flooding can cause more intense damage to substances.
D) The speed of the water can erode the foundation of the residence, which can also cause the house to collapse.
E) Massive floating objects such as bushes, power poles, etc., can further impact standing houses and cause considerable damage.
F) Other varieties of damage are wall erosion, cracking and bulging damage to water, sanitation and electricity supply systems.

Flood protection measures are:

a) Avoid residing on the banks of rivers and slopes on the banks of rivers.
B) The buildings must be built 250 meters away from the sea coast/river banks.
C) Build adequate drainage systems in all flood-prone regions.
D) Arm the entire town or agree on a raised platform above the high degree of flooding.
E) Assemble the building with a plinth level better than the recognized excessive flood level.

The results of cyclones in buildings are:

I) Punching and blowing of corrugated iron roof sheets attached to steel trusses.
(ii) asbestos brittle failure – cement sheets from commercial shed roofs; the failure of those sheets is generally ridges and gable ends.
iii) Failure of large commercial buildings with light roofs and long/high walls due to a combination of internal and external pressures.
iv) Failure of roof and wall factors along gable ends, especially due to excessive internal pressures.
V) Overturning failures of composite partitions of various kinds.
vi) Failures of poorly placed or constructed breastworks.
vii) Damage to ceiling/lintel projections.
viii) Damage to improperly connected windows or window frames of the house.

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