All natural cat food is the foundation of good health for your cat. When you consider that cats have evolved over millions of years with their natural diet, it means that their system is perfectly adapted to this diet. Any deviation from such a diet will inevitably create health problems for your cat.

Man has been tampering with commercial cat food for a few decades. Combine this relative inexperience with the fact that humans know little about the intricacies of food and it’s no wonder cats’ health is in decline.

It’s not possible to exactly duplicate a feral cat’s diet, but as long as you follow the basics, the slight deviation won’t have much of an impact.

These are the essential points to keep in mind when feeding your cat.

1. Cats are true carnivores. This means that protein should make up about 80% of your diet.

2. Food must be of high quality. A cat will hunt an active and healthy animal. Feeding your cat low-quality food will give it a low-quality life.

3. Cooking destroys essential nutrients and alters proteins. The fear that feeding your cat raw food will give it worms or harm it in any way is false. Raw food is easily and quickly digested, which prevents the proliferation of worms.

4. Protein needs calcium to digest properly. Both are found together in the natural prey of a cat. Small bones are not only important for proper digestion and balanced nutrition, but are also important for keeping your cat’s teeth clean and gums massaged. They need to form about 20% of the diet.

5. It is important to keep the balance between organ meat and muscle meat in a natural ratio.

You are unlikely to get this balance and quality from a brand. The best way is to make it yourself with basic ingredients. This means that you have control over what you feed your cat. Although this may seem daunting and time consuming, it can quickly become routine.

Although some cats love to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, this is usually not part of the diet. Add it as an extra for your cat if she enjoys it. I currently have a young cat who loves the dog’s grated pumpkin.

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