Recent IDC research predicted that cloud computing would create about 14 million jobs worldwide. All of these will be direct jobs like developers. There will be an equal number of indirect jobs that will be affected by this concept. This means that cloud computing will start to invade each and every job of every organization. Every job will improve or decrease with the introduction of the cloud. The effect of the cloud will be so intense that with time; many job descriptions will integrate the cloud into their profile. There are five ways this concept will change the way business is conducted.

Information technology will become a shared responsibility that will not be limited to a particular department, but will include all departments of the organization. Executives, managers and professionals will have increasing access to new and improved computing resources that can be easily purchased with a simple credit card. Simultaneously, the continued evolution in IT, IT professionals will begin to integrate within the core business lines, relative to their roles in separate IT departments. In addition, the IT budgets of companies will skyrocket even more than those of independent IT departments.

Innovation at work is becoming more and more possible, and failure becomes just an option. Since cloud computing has labs for its research and testing, continuous improvements will result in the concept. As it stands, this concept has lowered entry barriers for startups to exploit computing resources, with a reduction in the cost of cloud computing infrastructure as a result of ongoing research and development. With new ideas being hatched and tested and new initiatives being introduced, it won’t be long before companies move away from corporate budget cycles.

End users are designing their own applications. By using the cloud computing platform, even non-tech professionals could quickly and easily build interfaces using Google Maps to plot the data points. “Self-service business intelligence” is a capability every business dreams of. However, overloaded IT departments often take weeks or even months to provide interfaces to solve urgent business problems. But, now with cloud computing, even non-technical people are designing their own applications using designated application programs and templates. For example, a sales manager who needs a portal to access regional sales data for a newly acquired subsidiary can easily do so from a public or internal cloud system.

Cloud computing has spawned a do-it-yourself economy in which outsourcing is lagging behind. With the advent of cloud computing, services like outsourcing now become redundant. This is because it is ubiquitous. Organizations now rely on an increasingly diverse branch of services provided internally and from external service providers. There will be more stress on service brokers who can take advantage of cloud capabilities to deliver services tailored to customer requirements. They do not own any production method or service, but simply service providers.

The last disruption cloud computing will cause will be the fact that everyone will become a technology company, regardless of their core business. Whatever your business model, product or service, adopting cloud computing will give you technological capacity that, in turn, will benefit your business. Many providers will use the cloud to provide cutting-edge products and services to their customers, not to mention that some of them may even offer their own cloud computing capabilities to third-party providers for a decent amount in the process, making the cloud be a profitable asset.

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