Entering Spain is like entering a fairyland. There are castles and palaces galore! To add, there are numerous places of worship belonging to different religions. The imposing buildings identified by their highly ornate exteriors and attention to detail in features large and small have made them showpieces around the world. Spain ranks number 2 among the countries with the highest number of buildings in the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

If you are planning a trip to Spain in the next few months, be sure to organize a tour of these World Heritage Sites that Spain boasts.

1. Alhambra Palace –
The Alhambra Palace was built as a small palace and fortress in the year 889, in Granada. Back in the 13th and 14th centuries, it was the seat of the emirs who were the Moorish rulers of Granada. It sits on hilly terrain as the perfect example of Islamic architecture. It is made entirely of red clay; that explains its peachy-pink hue.

2. Santiago de Compostela-
Located in the northwestern region of Spain, the famous pilgrimage site commemorates the struggle of Christians against Islam in Spain. It was torn down by the Muslims at the end of the 10th century. However, it was rebuilt immediately after that. The site has several buildings, Romanesque, Gothic and Baroque, centered around the cathedral and the tomb of the apostle Santiago. In 2000, it earned the nickname of the European City of Culture.

3. Works of Antoni Gaudi –
We wouldn’t be doing this list of architectural wonders justice if we didn’t mention the works of Antonio Gaudí. He was one of the world’s greatest architects whose works were a perfect blend of the cultural and artistic sensibilities of the time, as well as modern trends in construction. Gaudí was a modernist. There are seven sites in total, all located in and around Barcelona. There is the Sagrada Familia, Park Güell, Palacio Güell, Casa Batlló, Casa Milá, Casa Vicens and the Crypt of Colonia Güell.

4. Burgos Cathedral –
This Burgos cathedral has been dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It has all the characteristics that exemplify Gothic art. It also bears a strong resemblance to the cathedrals of France in terms of its design. Retaken for construction in the 13th century, it was completed in the 16th century. The cathedral houses several chapels, each decorated with its own decoration. The Statue of Flycatcher is a highlight of Burgos Cathedral.

5. Old City of Salamanca –
The Old City of Salamanca sits on top of the mountain overlooking the Tormes River, northwest of Madrid. This ancient university city was the settlement of the Romans before it was conquered and ruled by the Moors. The Old City of Salamanca includes several buildings built in the Churrigueresque architectural style. There are two universities (Colegio de Calatrava and Colegio San Ambrosio) and two churches (San Sebastián and Santa Cruz de Cañizares) on the land. The large Plaza Mayor built in the Baroque style is another highlight and is best seen at night. You will find a recommendation on almost every travel blog.

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