A good content marketing strategy comprises two aspects: regular, quality content and its marketing on the internet and on social media platforms. While content needs to be frequent and of high quality, it’s just as important to market it well. It is essential that people read the content and share it on social networking websites. If the content is great, it might even go viral, leading to a storm of traffic on the website. However, for all of this to happen, you need to implement your content marketing strategy. Here are 3 powerful Google tools that can help you with that.

Google Keyword Planner

This is a great tool for writers who need help developing content from scratch after learning about the topic they’re going to write about. Google Keyword Planner helps the writer to do research on a certain topic and find keywords related to that. For example, if you want to research the influence of social media, Keyword Planner will reveal a long list of related keywords such as social media ads, promoted and sponsored posts, infographics, content marketing, etc.

With the introduction of Google Hummingbird, you need to focus more on long tail searches. Try to fit those keywords that have been revealed to form sentences to use in the title or body of the content to form a grammatical and meaningful sentence. For example, if you decide to use the keyword ‘sponsored post’, use the keyword ‘what is a sponsored post’ or ‘how can I benefit from sponsored posts’.

Google trends

Google Trends is a useful tool that reveals the current hot topics on the Internet. From celebrities to cultural events, it tells you everything that’s affecting the online world. You can write about them to increase the number of people reading your content. It’s a great tool to avoid writing content that is out of step with active readers and current events, and also writing content that is already too widely available or completely outdated. To use it, you can search for a particular topic or keyword, or just a category you want to write about. You must select the region, time frame, and category from the dropdown menus. A graph indicating the trend of interest is then displayed, along with a list of search terms.

Google Webmaster Tool

It’s a simple and straightforward way to map out your content strategy by checking which keywords drive the most traffic to your website and therefore benefit you the most. You can find out what content your audience engages with the most and develop more of them.

Using these 3 Google tools will help you develop a better content and marketing strategy to drive more traffic to your website.

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