Communicating with dogs is much easier than one would think. The problem is that most people don’t understand dog language. How is it that people from different parts of the world who speak a different language can communicate? The answer is through body language, jesters, and hand signals.

Let’s look at an example through your dog’s eyes. Let’s say his dog is laying on his trainer and he wants her to go away. The first response is to yell and wave your arms at the dog and tell it to get off. However, the dog does not understand what you are saying and he only looks at you if you are crazy.

The second example, he claps his hands loudly to get the dogs attention and then immediately moves towards the dog and leads him off the bus. You wouldn’t even have to utter a word for your dog to get the message. The difference is that in one role you were the mate and in the next you were the leader of the pack. The truth is, dogs feel more secure with a pack leader than with a partner.

the role of friend

If your dog perceives you as a friend, you already know that he can get away with almost anything. He has no limits or borders. The dog can sense your emotions and he senses that you are getting tired and he knows that you will soon give up. In other words, your dog is controlling the situation.

Have you ever given a command to a dog, seen its ears prick up, and then lie down with its head between its front legs? The dog simply does not understand what you are trying to convey or what you are asking of him. No problem as far as your dog is concerned; he knows that soon you will give in to your weakness.

If you are the dog’s companion, then you will have experienced aggression, dominant behaviors, and obsessive behaviors. While turning your home into your personal domain. What we have here is a failure to communicate with your dog (sorry, heard that before somewhere).

The role of the pack leader

As the pack leader, your dog understands who is in charge and seeks your approval. People make a huge mistake when humanizing their pets. Fortunately for the dog, he understands quite clearly that he is a dog and his natural instincts will challenge the role of pack leader if not shown differently.

But how do you become the leader of the pack? There are many books written on this subject, so it will be difficult to go into detail here. However, the following will help you get started on the right track in establishing yourself as the pack leader and taking control of your pet.

First, you need to establish boundaries and limits. This means letting your dog know where he is allowed to roam in your home, as well as setting limits on his behavior. Only reward good behavior and turn your back or walk away from a disobedient dog. The dog must be taught what is appropriate behavior and what is not acceptable. Take control of your personal space. Don’t let your dog dictate the rules. It helps to try to see the world through the dog’s eyes. It’s a whole different world for you and me. Your dog reads and communicates with you through body language. So you have to be stern and gentle at the right time.

You always have to give back to the dog what it needs in the form of whims, attachments and pack reinforcements. Get your dog on a schedule that works for you. Your dog wants to feel secure in his environment, he wants protection, he wants to be fed predictably, and last but not least, he wants to be loved. Sounds familiar? Doesn’t seem so difficult, right? but there is more

The moment factor

All animals live in the now moment. Any resentment from yesterday or even five minutes ago is gone. Not a bad way to live when you think about it. A dog with a behavior problem is not plotting revenge or thinking about his next move to annoy you. He just needs to be taught proper behavior.

If you scold them five minutes after they’ve misbehaved, they just don’t understand what’s going on. The end results are that your dog will be confused by your behavior. If you want to correct bad behavior, you need to catch them in the act and correct them properly. Remember the keywords, live in the now. This is very important. Your pup isn’t thinking about what happened a week ago or worried about what the future will bring. They live in the now, the present, this very moment.


dog awareness

Cocker Spaniels, like all dogs, are very aware of their surroundings and can pick up on people’s feelings very easily. If the dog feels fear coming from you, it’s a good bet you won’t fulfill the role of pack leader unless you change your feelings with the right action. You will need to change your position to be successful with Cocker Spaniel training. Your actions speak louder than words in a dog’s world. That is why you must show controlled assertiveness with your pet.

Take the position of a warrior in command. He is stern and expects his soldier to follow his orders. Do not show signs of weakness. This does not mean that you should hit or punish your dog. What this means is that you have to act in the now and keep the dogs attention until you get what you want. Once you get the desired results, shower the dog with praise. Mission accomplished. Your dog is now aware of what you expect of him.

There’s a big difference between being a friend to your dog and being the leader of the pack. You can only have an obedient dog by being the leader of the pack. Without assuming the leadership role, your Cocker Spaniel training efforts will be difficult at best. Learning to be the leader of the pack is not difficult, but it will take time if you have to break some bad habits with your dog.

So now is the time to determine if you are a mate or a pack leader. The key is to be persistent and you will soon earn your Cocker Spaniel’s respect by being the leader of the pack.

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