“What’s in a name?” asked Shakespeare. A lot, apparently, if the “Book of Error” from the search engine gods is anything to go by.

Most bloggers and website owners swear by their domain names, the name that stands for web identity and reflects the core personality of the blog or company brand. Some pore over names for hours to find a unique and crafty one, while others take SEO advice to heart and incorporate their keywords into the domain name.

Savvy webmasters and bloggers keep the following tips in mind when registering a good domain name.

KISS – Keep it short and simple

Some popular sites get away with four, but limiting the domain name to 2-3 sentences makes it easier to remember and remember. Do not use complicated names, unique spellings, especially foreign words, the words – he, you and me for a blog. Not everyone bookmarks or subscribes to your site early on, so why prolong your fighting phase with complicated names? That doesn’t mean you can’t get creative: think deli.co.us and Instagram, for example (before they settled for the com extension) or 2et.in (tweeting) and who.is (a domain and site search Web). place)

Pay attention to extensions

The extensions you use make a huge difference to your blog in terms of visitor traffic and audience. Com is considered the ideal extension for a blog looking for a global presence, monetized or not. Use other extensions like net, org, and me to give the blog a fresh, new look. A region or country specific site may go with a “.co.countryname” extension to appeal to the targeted audience. Many professional or business blogs find it advantageous to register their domain name in the three basic extensions (com, net and org) or opt for mass domain registration. This reduces the chances that a competitor will clone your successful model or steal your visitors by using your domain name with a different extension.

Use a choice keyword

Use a keyword in your domain name that focuses on your blog’s niche and identifies the core content of your site. This is not the same as using a domain name that is a reflection of your keywords. If used wisely, this reputed search engine optimization technique can help you rank higher and drive relevant audience to your blog. Contrary to popular perception, exact match domain is not a bad SEO practice as long as there is quality content on such sites. You can play it safe by using a word that represents your niche without being a keyword – Gizmodo or TechCrunch are good examples I can think of.

Avoid hyphens, double dashes, and initials

You might be tempted to search for a domain name with hyphens and double hyphens to make up for one that isn’t available. Site names with double hyphens are considered spam sites that will cause Google to dislike your site undue. Names that contain hyphens aren’t too bad, but you risk losing potential visitors who may type an alternative site name without hyphens. Initials work for an established company or brand, not so much for other bloggers.

Choose a quality domain registration site and park your domain name

There is no such thing as free lunch in the world. Don’t be a cheap jerk and use dodgy companies, not when it comes to something that will define your online presence and generate online income; you could end up with a name that is already registered to someone else. Check the Whois site for availability and review domain registration sites and choose one based on your budget.

Buy a good domain name in advance and use it when you really start blogging. Register the name as long as you can to avoid the expiration date or repurchase of the name by someone else.

Novice hobbyists and aspiring professional bloggers can use these tips to maximize the dual benefits of ranking higher in search engines and not being demoted or excluded by the most recent algorithm updates.

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