July Leo and August Leo

Having a child born in July or August? Then you’ve probably wondered how July Leos differ from August Leos. These two astrological signs have a lot in common, but the main difference lies in their time of birth. A July Leo will have a more confident personality than an August Leo, which can make it difficult to judge a person based on their astrological sign alone.


If you’re looking to tell a person’s personality from their birth month, then August Leos are more likely to be more expressive and fun-loving. They get satisfaction from doing activities alone, but know that hogging attention doesn’t make others feel as happy as they do. Likewise, July Leos will probably have more stereotypical traits than an August Leo. Both Leos are emotional and expressive and will be able to tell you a lot about them by their birth month.

The second decan of Leos is Mars, which gives August Leos a bolder personality than July Leos. Mars, the planet of motion and progress, gives August Leos a more opinionated nature. They may also engage in philosophical debates more often than July Leos. This difference is not so great for July Leos, but it does help them to stand out from the crowd.

What’s the Difference Between July Leo and August Leo?

If you’re born under the Leo sign, you’re more likely to be a leader. Whether you’re in a position of leadership or you are an ally of the leader, Leos are naturally confident and optimistic. If you’re a leader in your career or in relationships, July is a better month for you than August for your success. So, don’t get worried about the Leo in August.

A relationship between a Leo and an August will be a lot easier if you understand each other’s personality traits. Leos are social and love to flirt. However, they aren’t good at holding grudges and will be very jealous if their partner is in the limelight. And Leos are very opinionated, so you can’t expect to compromise in an argument.

Despite their high self-confidence, Leos can be a little snobbish, so be prepared for a partner with high standards. They need someone who’s willing to give them orders, and they’re likely to have high expectations in return. This type of person can be tiresome for their partner, so look for someone on the same intellectual level. If you think your partner doesn’t meet these criteria, then you might be wasting your time.

The sun rules the Leo zodiac sign, which means that they are very compatible with each other. Although they are two different signs, they have a lot in common. Both are driven by ambition and passion. They are both ambitious and passionate, but they should be able to learn to take turns in relationships. If you’re not sure, try a decans chart to clarify the differences.

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