Do you want to make a living selling products full time on eBay? Yes, it is actually possible even if you don’t sell your own products and without having to store anything in your backyard.

Many people want to work from home and selling products on eBay is one of the easiest, most logical and easiest options to do. However, no one wants to pile produce in their backyard or living room.

This is where dropshipping companies come in. Drop shipping companies store the products at their own facilities and will ship the products at your command. You do not need to store any items yourself. You order the products and the shipper will deliver them to your customers without you seeing them.

The way it normally works on eBay is that you set up your auctions and when the product is sold, the customer’s address is automatically sent to your business so they can ship the products to the desired address. It does not deal with any mode of shipping or handling.

This whole process is totally invisible to your client. The sender labels and ships everything and you just have to manage your auctions and pay a small fee.

There are many of these companies available and the prices differ substantially. Usually when you are starting out, you will have to pay your business up front. Later you can negotiate better terms and conditions. However, this depends on the volume of a period of time.

At first, you may need to deposit a certain amount. This is because they want to avoid being paid. You will normally pay by credit card.

When setting up your auction, you will need to ensure that your reserve price is higher than the price you have to pay to the dropshipper.

Observe your competition. Find out what they charge for similar products. If for some reason they sell the items cheaper than your dropshipper would sell to you, try to find out which dropshipper they are using. To do that, simply ask them for the item and when they deliver, look at the label.

They usually leave traces or their contact details somewhere. This is because they also handle returns.

An eBay business that uses a dropshipper is ideal if you don’t have the money to start because you get paid before you have to pay your dropshipper.

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