Cocaine Eyes

Cocaine eyes, also referred to as coke pupils, describe how the pupils look when they have ingested cocaine. Cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant drug that causes changes in the central nervous system and the circulatory system. Almost all substances that are abused lead to psychological changes in the pupils, whether or not they enlarge or dilate, become glassy or bloodshot. It is this type of change in the pupil that can result in cocaine eyes.

The reason for the large pupils is because the levels of the chemical dopamine in the blood increases. This increase is caused by the flooding of vinolets into the blood stream. Vinolet flow into the blood stream is a way for the brain to release neurotransmitters like acetylcholine and dopamine. Dopamine is responsible for the feeling of excitement and pleasure that accompanies many activities. When it is present in sufficient levels it increases alertness and thinking but the level of dilation causes the pupils to contract, which may make them look like they have eyes problems.

There are many causes of cocaine pupils but they are commonly known as sleepiness, nervousness and anxiety. A common cause of these is due to the body trying to conserve energy during the day. In the early morning the body begins its day but it also has an excess of glucose so it slows down metabolism and releases the glucose before the body needs it. As a result the blood vessels to dilate, which is a common symptom for stimulants such as cocaine. Excess glucose being used up is often what leads to a person having sleepless nights. This can cause a person to be unable to fall asleep and experience daytime sleepiness.

Another drug use that can contribute to having eyes that bulge is excessive consumption of alcohol. It is very easy to obtain alcohol because it is sold in bars and nightclubs. Consuming too much alcohol can result in the heart failing and causing death. If a cocaine user begins to develop yellowish colored veins in their eyes and begins to suffer from headaches or vision impairment then it is time to seek help from a professional before it gets worse.

What Are the Effects of Cocaine Use on the Eyes?

Other common symptoms include hypersensitivity to light and noise. A major symptom of this disorder is called carpal tunnel syndrome. Cocaine users often develop a nerve injury at the site of use and this will lead to a loss of sensation. As a result, the user may become aware of their inability to use their hands or even eyes. Some people develop severe headaches because of their dilated pupils. There are many other symptoms including the following; severe headaches, loss of smell, loss of taste, rapid heart beat, sweating and even fainting spells.

Cocaine users also suffer from bloodshot eyes. The reason for this is due to the amount of pressure being applied to the blood vessels. The blood vessels are stretched to capacity, causing severe discomfort and pain to the user. When the pupils dilate the amount of light entering the eye becomes greater causing an extremely bright light to enter the eye.

If a person does not receive treatment for their addiction then their chances of suffering from central nervous system damage and eventual blindness increase dramatically. People who become addicted to cocaine often have problems with their vision and often spend their whole lives in a state of depression. In some cases people who suffer from cocaine addiction experience brain damage resulting in severe learning and memory impairments. The central nervous system of cocaine users is very susceptible to damage because it is dependent on dopamine that is released when the drug is taken.

Frequently after someone has developed a cocaine addiction, they will start to suffer from blushing. Blushing is caused by the body trying to avoid the feelings of shame and negative self-image that come with frequent use. When the body begins to blush it is important to reduce the amount of drug use. Individuals who have developed severe blushing should consult a doctor in order to find out how to control their blushing. Blushing can be reduced by using hypnotherapy.

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