If you’re looking for a great diet to kickstart your weight loss, a grain diet is a temporary low-fat, low-calorie diet that will give you a great start to a long-term weight loss program or a quick fix if you want to just get rid of a couple of pounds. Read on to discover ways to lose weight on a grain diet.

• Eat a healthy cereal for your breakfast every day. Enjoy a single serving or about 3/4 cup full of cereal with 1% or skim milk and include some fresh fruit like some strawberries, a wonder banana, or blueberries.

• Enjoy a quick mid-morning snack of fresh fruit, raw vegetables, or a low-fat cereal bar.

• Have a bowl of cereal for your midday meal. Eat the type of cereal you enjoyed for your morning meal or select a different type that you like. Add milk and fresh fruit too and think about switching it up every time you eat or add various fresh fruits to the bowl of cereal to make it fun.

• Snack on fresh fruits or vegetables throughout the day midway between lunch and dinner to stop urges and decrease temptations to cheat. Some ideas include things like fresh fruit, a fruit cocktail glass, raw vegetables with a reduced-fat dressing, low-fat cereal bars, or a serving of a prepackaged 100-calorie snack between meals.

• Have a reasonable dinner. Due to the decrease in your total caloric intake throughout the day on the grain diet, dinner can be almost anything you prefer, within reason. Proteins are a great idea for dinner, since a large part of your other daily meals are carbohydrates. Enjoy a good meal so that you are satisfied and enjoy your food.

• Grab a quick late-night snack like fresh fruit, vegetables, a cereal bar, or even an extra bowl of cereal with fresh fruit when you’re extremely hungry.

• Stick to your diet for fourteen days, after which you can add variety to your daily diet based on the recommended daily intake of meats, vegetables and fruits, breads, cereals, and dairy products to ensure you get enough nutrition. Even if this diet can lead to weight loss for a temporary period of time, it’s simply not a long-lasting answer to weight loss.

• If you want changes during the cereal diet, consider having cereal for morning meals and dinner sometimes instead of breakfast and lunch and even for lunch and dinner instead of breakfast. Switching things up can make the two-week diet much easier to survive.

• Take a multivitamin so that you get enough nutrients since you are greatly reducing your caloric intake along with necessary substances such as protein and dietary fiber.

• Drink plenty of fluids during this diet to stay well hydrated, especially if you plan to incorporate exercise into your diet program.

• For those who have health problems or concerns, you should talk to your doctor about the basic safety of the diet before starting it.

• This method is a reduced calorie diet that will boost a weight loss program. However, it should not be used for a long time or you may experience a deficiency of important nutrients.

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